
Getting  Orchestration set on the last song at the moment - we as well just got vocals from a special guest female singer done and she nailed it bigtime !! we are also looking to get some form of mastering done on the DEMO of the album before sending out so we are calling some local commercial studios about that. and getting Copywrites together to send off to DC before shopping this.

WELL we are on the last song for our upcoming CONCEPT ALBUM (
7 THEORY) this has been a massive endeavor and taken years to complete. There will be around 26 tracks of music (interludes - main songs) & a running time of 2 and a half HRS long 

This album is a trip 4 sure and is very diversified!!

THINK PINK FLOYD'S  THE WALL - QUEENSRYCHE'S  OPERATION MINDCRIME from the conceptual standpoint - HOWEVER this is a album about the 7 YEAR TRIBULATION (Pre Trib - Post Trib) and yes it sounds like us 4 sure - but again diverse!!!

We will be seeking (private funding rather than the record label route) it will cost around $70,000 to 80,000 just in recording budget alone. 

We will seek to get it LICENSED through SONY - UNIVERSAL MUSIC and go from there - if we have to SELF RELEASE it that will be another $40,000 to $50,000 on top of the recording budget for PROMO - PUBLICIST - RADIO CAMPAIGN - VIDEOS

PLEASE keep us in your prayers with this endeavor...

Much Love.... GW   



​We are having  200 units of the pre production demo duplicated to shop and will begin this process in November moving forward until we have the funds to book the studio time.

We will be looking to RECORD a couple singles going into the new year just to get something into the market in between getting the album recorded!


​We are finished with the pre production and we are sending it off to our former Producer who has worked with  Audio Slave, Chris Cornell, Pearl Jam, Dave Mathews  to have him master it and send it back for us to Shop - The copyrights have all been pushed through as well.

once a deal is in place we will RE RECORD it all again in a commercial studio for WORLD WIDE release - Thanks for hanging in there through this VERY LONG process - But the album should not take more than a few months to record  --------  again once we have the funds $$$ available to do it.  (prayers in this would be GREAT) 

Much LOVE - GW